Sunday 3 May 2015

Young Girl, over 15's Perspective
Young Girls at school in Ghana (Link to photo source embedded)
Young Girl over 15
Hello my name is Kuukuwa. I am 16 years old I have lived in the village all my life with my mother, father, my brother and two sisters.

I go to school in the village, I did have hopes to be a successful business woman in the city earning lots of money to help out my family, month by month though this seems more and more unlikely. Since puberty hit I have missed a lot of school having to stay home a week each month because my school doesn’t have any proper sanitary facilities. Not only that but the weeks I do make it to school I’m usually really tired because I’ve had to get up really early to travel to get water, there are times when I’ve fallen asleep in class and the teacher has just left me I think they feel sorry for me. With all of this time I have either not been to school or I have not been paying total attention to the lessons I have fallen behind the boys in the class are so much cleverer than I am. The lessons at the moment because I am so behind just leave me lost and I am losing the will to stay there.

My mother is pregnant at the moment and will soon need extra help getting the water for our family with there just being the one person going my younger sister is too young to go yet on her own, it’s just not safe letting her walk up to an hour away I the dark to get water, safety in numbers is what they always say, so I can’t leave it up to her. I’ll have to say goodbye to my dreams but hopefully I will be able to get back to school once my mam has had the child, I don’t know how far behind will I be then, I just hope I can catch back up….

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