Sunday, 3 May 2015

Girl Under 15's Perspective
Young girl collecting water (link to photo source embedded)
Young Girl Under 15
Hello I am Effia. I am 8 years old and go to school in the village. I was born in Ghana and have lived in the same village all of my life with my mother and father and my older sister.

I go to school every day to try and learn things I will need in the future for jobs and life. We start school at 10am and then we have sleeping time for 3 hours for all of the students old enough to go collect the water from the nearby village for their families. They are all very tired when they come to school as the nearest water to the village is a pond about an hour’s walk away. The other older children say they have to get up really early to start the walk to get the water when it is still dark so they can get back with the water before it gets too hot. They carry it on their backs in containers, apparently they are really heavy. The other girls at school were saying ill need to grow some muscles quickly as I’m going to have to join them in a few weeks when my 9th birthday comes. With luck I can keep up with everyone and I won’t be as exhausted as the girls that come to school after they’ve been to collect it. 

Im a little nervous it’s really dark when they set off I have seen my older sister and mother going early in the morning before safety in numbers. Hopefully I will do alright and will manage to bring back plenty of water and not get lost on the way, I don’t know where I would end up. Theres apparently lots of animals nearby it too drinking the water and walking in it I’m a bit worried in case one of the animals bite thinking were stealing their water!

 The water we do get from the pond isn’t very nice but we still have to drink it. Its muddy and brown and there is definitely things floating in it… best not to think about it, it has to be drunk…

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