Sunday 3 May 2015

Young Boy, Under 15's Perspective
Young Boy under 15 (Link to photo source embedded)

Young Boy Under 15
Hello my name is Ato. I’m 16 years old and live in the village. I was born in Ghana and lived in a village 2 hours away from here we moved here because there was better access to water my family only had to walk 1 hour away to get it instead of 2 hours each way at the last village. I have lived in this village since I was 8. I live with my Mother, Father and my older brother.

I go to school in the village and I’m getting really good at reading and writing, I am the top of my class. I have big hopes and dreams for my future I hope one day to be able to travel to the city to live and to work so I can get lots of money for my family to make their lives better. I really enjoy school the class I am in has 15 other students only one of them is a girl, not many girls seam to carry on with education past their younger years as they are needed to collect water for their families so are too tired or don’t have time to come to school. A lot of them got so behind in the learning with all the missed school too that it was too hard for them to continue so they had to leave. I am very lucky my mother collects the water for our family and my dad and brother either help her or work on our little patch of land farming to grow food for us and extra to sell on to get money to provide us with other things we need. My younger classes were much bigger than the one I am in now a lot of the boys dropped out too as they were needed on their family’s lands to grow food or to be sent off to work to provide for their families, in my family my brother and father work extra hard to do all of the work themselves so I can stay in school and hopefully one day be clever enough for a job in the city. This means we scrape by day to day always a little bit hungry but one day I will repay them for their sacrifice.

My family have always been good to me. They have made many sacrifices. When I was 7 I was very ill. I was being sick all of the time and I was running a very high temperature. I couldn’t keep any food down and as I was already quite thin I was skin and bone, they said I nearly died. The doctor in the village said it looked to be cholera or dysentery and that I must’ve drank some bad water, which is hardly surprising because it was always brown and had bits in it. They said I needed some form of tablets, antibiotics I think he said, my brother walked for 24 hours total to the nearby villages all over looking for somewhere that had some. I got lucky. Since then I’ve been grateful for every day I am in school and healthy. As I’ve said I will get a good job and pay them back. I have had some friends that weren’t so lucky in the past they didn’t make it.

Up until now there hasn’t been any problems in this new village with the water although it still tastes a bit funny, it comes from a bore hole so It’s a little bit cleaner than the stagnant puddle we used to use. We just have to hope there is no more illness really….

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